Cluster Of Fruits

What is this?

An rpicluster is a distro for a collection of Raspberry Pis. Included in the package are many tools to get you started, an NFS, SSH keys, and touchscreen support.

Let's get started!


Get up and running!

Initial Set Up

  1. Download and flash the images. (We recommend etcher).
  2. Power all your Nodes, but do not connect anything until prompted.
  3. Connect to the rpicluster-AP network on your computer using rpicluster as the password.
  4. SSH into pi@rpicluster.local (Master Node) using raspberry as the password.
  5. Follow the prompts to set up and configure the cluster.

Yes. There are options.

Networking Options

Wifi to Wifi

Connect to your nodes via Wifi.

Wifi to Switch

Connect to your nodes via network switch.

Wifi to OTG

Connect to your nodes via OTG.